Karen Kingston: Nanotechnology Injected Into Our Bodies Damages Our Brains, Minds And Spirits

Biotech analyst and med-legal advisor Karen Kingston revealed in her interview with Dr. Peter Breggin and his wife Ginger that mRNA technology is the gateway into using nanotechnology in human beings in nefarious ways.

The industry has always known this, Kingston explained, remarking that even gold nanoparticles without biomarkers on them just love going to the brain.

Nanotechnology being ushered into human beings via the covid injections has many objectives, and one of them is advancement in official attempts to control human beings.

Authorities have long attempted to gain control of human behaviour, and the latest attempts are tied to developing nanotechnology in humans.

Kingston has over 25 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry as a biotech analyst and medical-legal advisor.

The three also discussed the vital importance of freedom of speech as a bedrock principle to be protected in the freedom movement and drew listeners’ attention to our recent column, ‘It is Time for Freedom of Speech in the Freedom Movement’.

A shining light in the lives of many of us in the health freedom movement, Kingston returned after a recent convalescence, ready to take on the world again. 

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